Calvary Apple – an apple with the 3 crosses from the crucifixion on it

By now we are all familiar with the Jesus toast.  The toast that popped up with Jesus’s likeness burnt into it.  Turns out there are a ton of Jesus and sightings including a Cheetos and Citrus Jesus.

Well the other day I grabbed and apple to eat, cause that is what I do, I eat apples and whamo – right there in the apple skin are the 3 crosses from Calvary.

Calvary Apple

Calvary Apple – The 3 crosses from Calvary on my apple.

I immediately said, “Hey honey, look at this, It is the crosses from the crucifixion on my apple”.  My Fiancee thought that was pretty cool, but quickly  wanted to know if I was going to eat it, cause it is an apple and apples don’t just grow on trees. (wait they do, but money does not grow on trees and we can’t be wasting food).   So we showed the kids and christened it Calvary Apple.

Then I bit into it, now I wonder if there is any irony there?  I don’t know about that, but it was delicious and I ate all around the three crosses, until there was nothing left but them.  Finally I succumbed to the temptation of the tasty apple and finished eating it.

Now some may question why I did not try to sell it on e-bay or save it for prosperity. And I would say to them, two things, one I was hungry and two, God created apples for us to eat and three, as I said before apples don’t grow on trees so you must enjoy them while you can.